Thanks for this thread.
this presentation goes over jerry bergman's research on mental illness with jehovah's witnesses.
this includes over 8 different research projects conducted by different doctors.
Thanks for this thread.
it never seems to be brought up in jah's so wonderful org.
but depression seems rampant, i can name 7-10 people right now on antidepreswsant drugs.
Thank you so much for the info.
i just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone on the board.
i haven't been here that long but from the time i've spent here, i feel very comfortable.
i've been on boards before (witness ones) where everyone is so opinionated, heartless and holier than thou....but this one is so different.
Wellcome Wantstoleave, so glad you feel comfortable enough to post here.
great big thanks to all who participated in my mother's 80th birthday.... it was great, and she was trhilled..... she had a smile on her face the whole day long.... so many showed up to celebrate, and those that couldn't shared by phone calls, cards, flowers and gifts.
the memory album i put together for her turned out great, so thanks to so many who sent me a page to put in, it's a memory she'll have forever.... all her children and grandchildren were there, except for the ones in montreal who are still jw's.. .
thank-you to all, a million times.
great big thanks to all who participated in my mother's 80th birthday.... it was great, and she was trhilled..... she had a smile on her face the whole day long.... so many showed up to celebrate, and those that couldn't shared by phone calls, cards, flowers and gifts.
the memory album i put together for her turned out great, so thanks to so many who sent me a page to put in, it's a memory she'll have forever.... all her children and grandchildren were there, except for the ones in montreal who are still jw's.. .
thank-you to all, a million times.
Thanks for the post. You have a wonderful mother. I didn' know she had a birthday.
elders love to counsel people.
it feeds their ego.
over the years, you must've been counseled on different things.. when i was almost of age to become a ms, an elder counseled me for my "lack of seriousness".
I was going to an elder's house for dinner and a get together one night and I was wearing leggings and he made me go home
and change. He said leggings were to tight. He would watch how I dressed at meetings after that to make sure I was modestly dressed.
It was not an issue with the other elders but, this one elder had a problem.
edited to add on to
it never seems to be brought up in jah's so wonderful org.
but depression seems rampant, i can name 7-10 people right now on antidepreswsant drugs.
shamus 100
Thanks for the info,I'm still reading it. I'll finish it as my eyes allow. LOL
I knew a dub that said she was healed of her schizophrenia. She was an elders wife and pioneered. She said it was because she prayed,studied, pioneered and attended all the meeting that she was healed.
Her husband would make fun of her by saying she was "healed it's a miracle." It explained a lot when I went out in service with her.She was very self rightous and that put me off more than the disease.
it never seems to be brought up in jah's so wonderful org.
but depression seems rampant, i can name 7-10 people right now on antidepreswsant drugs.
I knew of a handful of jws that would talk about it.
One tried to kill herself.
"my wife just left me yesterday and took my 2 girls.
she's hold up in the presiding overseers (big beautiful) custom built french country house.
i know my 14 yr is probably freeking out and my sweet little 9 year old, i know, loves her daddy.
i'm a newbie as far as delving into information other than wt based, and have only just started posting on this board...so maybe the following thought will be old hat to some of you, not a concern or perhaps something you occasionally think about.
but, are you scared to watch the news?
purely for the fact of seeing things go on in the world that would prompt you to think about your jw upbringing?